Pina-Q wants to contribute to social inclusion through job placement and the supply of adequate housing conditions for migrants legally residing in Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Lombardy and Friuli Venezia Giulia.

For this purpose it anticipates to:

– contribute to develop the skills of migrant agricultural workers and operators in the social and agricultural fields;

– favour the meeting between supply and demand for agricultural work;

– raise awareness and build a network of workers, consumers and companies in the agricultural sector and the related supply chain up to the large retail chains;

– promote adequate housing conditions for migrant workers.

The activities that will be implemented are:

– training and awareness-raising activities aimed at beneficiaries and operators in the agricultural and social sectors;

– individual care taken through tutors specialized in work and housing inclusion;

– support, guidance and facilitation of access to local services;

– networking activities aimed at all stakeholders, at regional and national level, supported by a web platform.