
Moved by the desire to fight social exclusion in various cities and neighborhoods and to protect the fundamental rights of citizens, A.S.A.D. gave birth, more than 30 years ago, to the first services, creating job opportunities and new professional opportunities. Since then (1977) a lot of water has flowed under the bridge.

There were several “phases” through which the history of the cooperative developed, concurrently with the changing socio-cultural and institutional context.

In particular, those that have most influenced the strategies and activities are:

– Territoriality: essential element for the construction of projects aimed at preventing social unrest. This is how the first social aggregation centers were born in the neighborhoods that were most at risk of marginalization, together with the close collaboration with the local social services;

– De-institutionalization of the psychiatric hospital: Following the enactment of Law 180/78, the first experiences of residential reception are activated and the home care network is also developed as support for families;

– Social innovation: with the enactment of Law 381/91, which recognizes social cooperatives as subjects that pursue the general interest of the community, type B cooperation is developed and work is intensified, also promoting the social inclusion of disadvantaged people;

– Training: Training becomes central to the development of social cooperation and basic, refresher and retraining courses are constantly organized by integrating own resources with additional public resources;

– Territorial services: A.S.A.D. takes action with social and health services in the sectors of adult and minor disabilities, school support for the disabled, mental health, minors at social risk, immigration, the elderly. We intervene in these areas through home assistance services, residential and semi-residential structures;

– Quality: in 1999 the Cooperative began the implementation process of the M.A.Q.RE (Active Relational Quality Model) and is committed to build a quality system consistent with the “ISO9000” standards.


Via G. Lunghi, 63 – 06135 Ponte S. Giovanni (PG)

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 9:00 – 12:00

Email address


Telephone number

Tel. 075 5991012 – Fax 075 398477