The objectives of the La Sponda Cooperative are to combat all forms of hardship, promote the well-being and dignity of individuals and protect citizenship rights.
Every day we meet senior citizens, people with disabilities, minors, young people and people at high risk of marginalization.
Our interventions arise from the needs of the territory and from this they receive further stimuli and information: to improve our responses and plan new ones.
The object of the activities of La Sponda is:
– the organization of socio-psycho-pedagogical and educational cultural services aimed at creating a society of equals;
– the abolition of various forms of discrimination and marginalization on a social, ideological and religious level with particular emphasis on the social integration of the handicapped and all other subjects that the prevailing culture perceives as different.
In the daily tasks of the work that the La Sponda Cooperative carries out with individuals, whether they are disabled, immigrants or families who find themselves in difficulty from a work, economic and housing point of view, the inclusion of people with social disadvantage is included. La Sponda provides services that are characterized by the analysis of needs, even in a social emergency, providing adequate responses to specific requests.