Codess FVG is a type A social cooperative (pursuant to Law 381/1991) founded in 2000. The Cooperative designs and manages social, welfare, health, educational, guidance and hospitality services that respond to changes in society, collaborating with public institutions and other social enterprises in initiatives for local communities.
Codess FVG operates in the following sectors:
- Elderly (home care services; Residential facilities and day centers);
- Health Services (POLIMEDICA private health facility;
- CODESSALUTE Home care);
- Early Childhood (Nursery schools, integrative and experimental services);
- Minors and disabled people (territorial and school socio-educational services; day and residential centers);
- Youth (Youth Information Services, Youth Projects and Youth Centers); Asylum seekers (widespread reception of foreign citizens seeking international protection).
Codess FVG focuses on people in their daily activities, such as:
- The users who receive the services,
- the members who contribute to achieving them,
- the citizens and communities living in the area.
They commit to respect the values shared by the Cooperative and expressed in the “Code of Ethics”, every day and at every level, inside and outside the organization,.
In terms of quality and work management, the strengths of Codess FVG are reliability, management efficiency, innovation, rootedness and presence in the local community, co-planning and networking and training.